The question is answered by the author of the portal: Prayers against parasites. What saints should be addressed...
If you find signs of insects at home, you must immediately determine their species. It is much easier if the pests have already been caught - they have been seen crawling on surfaces. It is more difficult to know who is biting, if the parasites are not directly visible. However, there are characteristic signs: paths of red spots on the body, unpleasant smell at home, black spots are visible on the furniture. Then bed bugs are suspected.
It is necessary to fight them as soon as suspicions of infestation in the apartment arise.
Different means can be used at home:
- chemical;
- physical;
- handy (homemade).
The first group includes the largest number of ways to kill parasites. They are united by the presence of insecticides of combined (intestinal-contact) or contact action. It is important that the insects are exposed to the means penetrating through the cuticle. Intestinal inecticides are designed for cases where insects consume poisoned bait.
And house bugs do not feed on anything other than the blood of warm-blooded creatures.
Chemicals used at home also differ in form:
- sprays;
- concentrates: liquids, emulsions;
- aerosols;
- powders;
- crayons.
Means are listed by level of effectiveness. This means that sprays work best. They can be purchased in ready-made form (with a sprayer on the bottle) or you can make them yourself. In this case, the concentrate is mixed with some water. The ready solution is poured into a container with a sprayer, and sprayed on areas where pests can be found. Aerosol is used on the same principle. The difference between it and the spray is in the effectiveness. Thus, the release of smaller particles is noted, they evenly cover all surfaces. However, microdroplets dry faster when using the aerosol.
The spray is more effective from this point of view.
Powders, crayons - such preparations are used to kill bed bugs in the apartment when there are still very few insects. They are also used to prevent infestation, to prevent the emergence of a colony of parasites. Such remedies are less effective, because they do not cover all coverings. They are used to treat the apartment, hoping that the insects will crawl through where the poisonous substance is applied, which means that there is no guarantee of contact with the poison.
The chemicals also include professional (specialized) products. They are sprayed in two ways: cold and hot mist. The treatment is carried out by specialized services (commercial organizations, sanitary and epidemiological station). A fog generator shall be used for this purpose. The cost of professional bed bug extermination services in Moscow and the regions is high, but a guarantee is given.
The method of hot and cold fog is used to clean objects for different purposes: private houses, apartments, hotel rooms, offices, etc.
Calling an extermination service is not difficult. It is enough to call the numbers offered on the Internet. Today, extermination services in St. Petersburg, Moscow and regions offer a variety of companies. Public services (SES) also perform such services, the price varies. First you need to clarify the cost, then you can order the departure of the team to the object. Bed bug extermination with a warranty gives you the opportunity to re-treat an apartment or non-residential facility, if the results of the initial spraying of poison are not good enough.
Calling a team of exterminators in this case is free of charge.
Bed bugs can also be exterminated at home by exposing the parasites to temperatures. The methods used are:
- boiling laundry;
- washing at high temperature in a washing machine;
- hot steam treatment (using a steam generator);
- freezing things outside in winter or in the freezer.
Alternative methods are also used - extermination of bed bugs is carried out with folk remedies. It is inexpensive, fast and easy. Different methods are used:
- Strong-smelling herbs: wormwood, fir, rosemary, lavender, etc;
- essential oils;
- boric acid;
- ammonia;
- kerosene;
- turpentine;
- vinegar, etc.
Bed bug extermination with these methods does not always provide the desired result. However, it is important to use folk remedies correctly. First of all, it is necessary to regularly renew the layer of the substance on the surfaces, for this purpose constantly conduct treatment, because herbs, essential oils and even household chemicals quickly evaporate. The best option is to use a combined method. Different control methods are used at the same time: insecticides, home remedies, and temperature exposure.
According to reviews, this option is considered the most effective.
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