Mosquitoes were the first thing I thought of, but I have never seen single spots, they are always grouped together, forming a curved line. I immediately had an unkind assumption about crawling parasites. Only first it is necessary to understand how quickly bed bug bites appear in humans, how they look on a person. Then it will be possible to diagnose, and begin treatment. Help me understand the signs of different insect bites, primarily interested in bed bugs. Thank you.
The author of the portal answers the question:
What do domestic bed bug bites look like on the human body: physiology of the bite, marks on the human body
At such insects mouth apparatus of the stabbing-sucking type. It helps to make a piercing, because a thin proboscis of considerable length is provided, and there is a sharp part on its end. When bedbugs appear at home, the bites are made by making rotating movements of the protruding part. The sharp part of the mouthpiece is then inserted.
The blood enters the body parasites through one of the two channels that run through the proboscis. The second of these allows the injection of an anesthetic substance, which resembles an anesthetic in its properties. This has an effect on the person's well-being. But this possibility for the parasites appeared not because they care about their victim, but because of the need to create conditions for a quiet meal.
The effect of the anesthetic wears off after 15-20 minutes. Then the bite symptoms appear bedbugs on the human body.
У larvae This is not possible, their body is developing, not all functions are active yet. If bitten by bed bugs that are at an early stage of development, unpleasant symptoms will appear as soon as the insect inserts its proboscis under the skin. And the peak of activity is observed when larvae emerge from their eggs. They need food to move on to the next stage of development.
You need to understand how a bed bug bites. So, it makes several punctures. Sometimes up to 7-8 spots appear on a person, but more often there are 2-5 spots where you can see the traces of the parasite attack. The reason for this behavior is the need to get a certain amount of food. In addition, bedwetting parasites do not always enter the blood vessel immediately.
If you wonder how bed bugs bite, you need to pay attention to the location of the spots - they form a track, because the pest after extracting the trunk slightly shifts relative to the first puncture, repeats the action.
Bloodsuckers parasites feed at night. This is due to light phobia. Thus, insects are inactive during the day, they do not tolerate natural light well. In addition, parasites move slowly (1 m in 1 minute), they need to create safe conditions for the time of eating. For this reason, the bedbug bites after midnight, closer to dawn (from 2 to 5 a.m.). The likelihood of being crushed at this time is low. However, the risk of death is still present because a person can change body position while sleeping.
What are the favorite places for bed bug bites
Parasites will attack on areas free of clothing. During the warm season, bed bug bites are found all over the body:
- upper and lower extremities;
- stomach;
- back;
- neck;
- person.
The localization of hyperemic spots is determined by the position of the host's body while sleeping. In winter, bed bugs have fewer opportunities to attack: they bite where they have to (where they find open areas):
- shin;
- wrists;
- shoulders;
- neck;
- person.
Sometimes bedbugs crawl under clothes, but in doing so they run a great risk of dying, because after eating the body enlarges several times. Where the parasite crawled in a hungry state, it will not get out if it gets a portion of food. Clothing can crush the parasite. When a person changes body position, the bedbug is also in danger of being killed.
Given that parasites prefer to live in conditions of maximum safety, they will not commit acts that will lead to death.
In addition, the insects prefer to choose areas where the skin is thinner and blood vessels are closer. Bed parasites at the initial stage of development (larvae, nymphs) do not yet have the same capabilities as adults. They need a more accessible source of food.
Larvae bedbugs other species attack small animals (in nature) at the first stage of development. Humans are bitten by adults because their mouthparts have become powerful enough to do so. Bed bugs do the same, but there is no such choice in human dwellings, so they have to look for a more suitable area of the outer covers.
This is another reason explaining why bedbugs bite several times.
Close-up photos of bed bug bites on the human body
To begin the fight against parasitesIt is necessary to make sure that it is these insects that are attacking. To do this, study what the bites look like from bed bugs:
- when the trunk is inserted, the human body reacts in its own way to the introduction of a foreign object, resulting in a red spot, its size may be different, which depends on the level of sensitivity of the victim, so it is difficult to say exactly how a bedbug bite looks like in humans (the diameter of the area with redness varies from 1-5 mm to 5 cm);
- often you can see baked blood in the center, it is released when the parasite extracts the proboscis, but the amount of biological fluid is so small that you can see only a dark red dot;
- Instead of dripping blood, in some cases there is a noticeable depression, which is more pronounced against the background of swelling.
Signs and symptoms of bed bug bites
Not everyone is affected. If you are bitten by a bedbug, in most cases you will experience symptoms:
- hyperemia;
- Swelling - can be stronger or weaker;
- itching, and it is so intense that it is often impossible to tolerate the discomfort, in children this symptom is more pronounced;
- painful sensations - a sign that is not characteristic of these insect bites, but occurs when the body is hypersensitive (due to swelling).
If you pay attention to how you feel or what you see in each individual bite, it's difficult to tell what kind of pest is attacking, because similar symptoms occur after contact with different insects. What distinguishes a bedbug bite is the location of the hyperemic areas - in the form of a track. But this band does not always run in a straight line. Its direction is determined by the behavior of the bed bug.
Sometimes such a path is zigzagging.
When and whom bed bugs bite most often
Insects attack mainly at night. This is due to the peculiarities of their life activity. For example, pests do not tolerate daylight and bite at night. However, under certain conditions, bed bugs can attack people during the day. This happens when there are problems with access to a food source.
Blood-sucking parasites from hunger seek alternative sources of food: animals, birds. However, this is not always possible in an apartment. For this reason, the answer to the question whether bed bugs bite during the day is positive. The parasites get up to a person, even if it is still light outside the window. But even here, they may be unsuccessful, because the potential victim of a bedbug is constantly moving around.
In order for the insect to get a portion of food, you must wait until the person is resting.
At the same time, blood-sucking pests attack different people, they do not distinguish between them, because the target is blood: of any group, properties, composition. Insects do not pay attention to these parameters. Sometimes it seems that bites from bed bugs are found on the body of some people and others are not. However, this is not the case. In fact, pests can bite those who get in their way (the victim sleeps on the bed closest to the parasite).
But not all bites look familiar: with hyperemia, swelling. Some people do not react to the puncture and the introduction of the secretion by the parasite. As a result, no symptoms appear. A bedbug bite goes unnoticed. But the reason for the absence of traces of the attack is also another reason:
- people with a high blood alcohol content have less bites, but this is not due to the composition of the biological fluid, but to the developed sense of smell of insects;
- traces of a bug bite are more often found in people with sensitive, more delicate skin (e.g., women, children).
How to protect yourself from bites
If there is a risk of negative manifestations, you should protect yourself from the parasites if possible. When bed bugs bite people, take action:
- set the legs of the bed in a container of water, and the inner walls of the bed are oiled to prevent the insects from escaping from the trap: when the parasite rushes to a person, it will not be able to overcome this obstacle, but this method helps to remove bed bugs, provided that the insects do not live inside the bed / couch;
- The sleeping place should be moved away from the wall;
- if there is a fear that vermin will enter the bed through the ceiling (climb the wall, and then fall directly on the person), you should install a canopy, and its edges should not fall to the floor;
- put strong smelling agents inside the construction of the bed/sofa: cotton disks with applied essential oil, wormwood, lavender, vinegar treat hard surfaces;
- The outer walls of the sleeping place are treated with a solid insecticide, but this method does not provide immediate results, and therefore it should be applied 1-2 days before the day when you plan to sleep in the infested apartment.
Is a bedbug bite dangerous for humans
After the attack, it is recommended to treat the injured skin.
This will prevent secondary infections. Bacteria can get into the wound, especially if there are already scratches because of the intense itching. This is one of the dangers of bed bugs, the bite can be painful, cause allergies, and form lumps on the skin. This is a consequence of the parasite introducing a special secretion.
You need to know what else a bedbug bite is dangerous for. For example, many people believe that these parasites are a source of disease. They do carry pathogenic particles. But bed parasites can not pass them to a person when bitten. This is explained by the peculiarities of the structure of the digestive tract and mouth of the pest. If you are wondering if a bed bug bite is dangerous for humans, you need to understand that blood enters the esophagus during feeding.
Once the biological fluid ends up in the digestive tract, it can no longer return the same way back. This is nature's way of protecting the parasite host, which allows the insects to survive.
When bedbug inserting its proboscis, it injects saliva under the skin, but it does not contain those pathogens that entered its body through the victim's blood. This means that the question of how dangerous a bedbug bite is is not about the pest's eating habits. In theory, the risk of contracting hepatitis, tularemia and other diseases is present. This is explained by the fact that when you injure the body of a fed bedbug, there is a risk of infected blood entering the wound on the damaged human skin.
Why bed bug bites itch. Manifestations of allergies
When the integrity of the outer covering of the host is broken, the parasite introduces a special substance into the host's body with its saliva. It is upon contact with it that various reactions appear: itching, swelling. Such symptoms are found in 30% people who have been bitten by bedbugs, what to do in this case: if the signs are expressed weakly, you can do nothing, in the case when itching and unpleasant sensations intensify, prescribe symptomatic treatment.
Still, it is better not to ignore even mild redness and itching, treating the bite sites with a specialized product, such as ointment GEKTOR.
There is also the possibility of developing severe allergies. In this case there are signs:
- the hyperemic area increases significantly;
- breathing is impaired;
- Quincke's edema develops.
But such reactions can develop with multiple bites if the person has a tendency to allergies.
How long does it take for a bedbug bite to go away?
When attacked parasitesIt is not easy to predict the disappearance of traces of the attack. If you wonder how long a bedbug bite lasts, take into account whether the victim is prone to developing allergies, whether there are other diseases.
The condition of the wound that the parasite leaves also plays a role. For example, a person begins to scratch the skin when it itches a lot. The scratches look like scratches. In this place, inflammation can develop if a bacterial infection joins. Depending on the depth of the soft tissue affected, the rate of skin recovery is determined. Sometimes small scars remain in the place where the bites appear.
In most cases, such marks go away without consequences. Under normal conditions, it takes a few days. If you are wondering how long it takes for bed bug bites to go away in cases where inflammation or allergies develop, you should know that it can take from a few days to 1-2 weeks, and sometimes longer, to recover.
First aid
If there is a bite in the morning bedbug or several traces of an attack, it is advisable to wash the area immediately under running water with soap and water. This will allow the skin to be cleaned of impurities, thus reducing the risk of secondary infection. Next steps:
- Treat bites with alcohol-containing products (marigold tincture, rubbing alcohol, vodka). You can buy remedies at a drugstore or make your own. Wash plants (calendula, plantain or other plant with anti-inflammatory properties), pour alcohol in a 1:1 ratio, after 2-3 days, strain and apply as directed.
- If there is a risk of attack by blood-sucking insects, you need to know in advance what to do when bitten bedbugs. Compressions can improve the condition, in the first few days it is better to use ice.
- The easiest way to provide first aid is to apply baking soda lotions. If you anoint bites that itch with a mush based on this product, after a while the condition of the skin will improve. But such lotions do not eliminate the cause of the inflammation, allergy, but only remove the symptoms.
How to treat and treat bedbug bites
First aid is given regardless of what pathological processes develop. But further treatment is determined by the cause that caused the negative consequences: inflammation, allergy. If you can not cure the bite marks at home, they do not go away for a long time, it is necessary to show the affected areas of the skin to a doctor.
The diagnosis is made in the first days if complications develop.
Treatment of a severe allergic reaction
It is important to eliminate the cause - the allergen. To make the negative manifestations disappear, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of new bites. To remove the cause of the allergy and at the same time improve the condition of the affected person, you can use remedies:
- Suprastin;
- Tavigil;
- Claritin.
The treatment can be systemic or topical. However, if the allergy is severe, the help of a specialist is required. Your doctor can prescribe a treatment regimen and tell you how to get rid of bites bedbugsThe patient should be treated with a glucocorticosteroid (topical) and systemic medications. In severe allergies, glucocorticosteroids (topical) and systemic drugs are used. When respiratory edema develops, drips may be prescribed to quickly remove the allergen from the body and stop the development of a negative reaction.
Treatment in this case is carried out in the inpatient department of the hospital.
Folk remedies
No matter how often bed bugs bite, you should always have a reliever on hand. At home, you can relieve swelling and itching by using folk methods:
- lemon juice;
- camphor alcohol;
- sulfur ointment;
- cologne;
- a weak solution of potassium permanganate (barely a pink hue).
Several times a day the skin is treated on the areas where the characteristic traces appeared.
After people have been attacked by bed bugs at night, bites appear on their legs, arms, face, and neck. If it was possible to recognize them, as well as to make sure that it was these parasites that left traces, it is necessary to relieve the symptoms. For this purpose, local remedies are used:
- Phenystil gel: eliminates inflammation, itching, and thanks to this drug, swelling becomes less pronounced;
- Afloderm is a hormonal ointment, it eliminates the signs of allergy, as well as related symptoms, and has limitations when used;
- Bepanten is an anti-inflammatory, improves the overall condition of the skin, but does not eliminate the signs of allergies;
- Rescue is used for bites of different insects (mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs).
Effects on the whole body after a bite
If you do not consider allergies, the risk of breathing difficulties (which is observed in units against the background of the attack of these parasites), the main danger is considered a violation of the function of the nervous system of the person. Associated symptoms:
- headache;
- sleep disturbance;
- irritability;
- General fatigue against the background of a lack of quality rest;
- loss of appetite;
- development of phobias, fears, if a person constantly fears that insects will crawl on him, will bite.
Such changes in the body contribute to a decrease in appetite, and other complications can occur as a result.
Table: Classification of types of consequences of bedbug bites according to severity
Some people have milder changes in their exteriors, while others have more severe changes. To assess the risk of complications from a blood-sucking insect attack, review the information in the table below.
Consequences of contact with bed bugs | Probability of developing complications, % |
No reaction | 70% |
Hyperemia | 56% |
Itching | 49% |
Papules, seals | 34% |
Secondary infection | 22% |
Sleep disturbance | 13% |
Anemia | 4% |
Asthma | 3% |
Depression | 3% |
Quincke's edema | 1% |
Anaphylactoid reactions | 1% |
How different kinds of street bugs and other blood-sucking insects (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes) bite
The feeding principle of many bed bugs and other pests is similar, but the structure of the mouth apparatus is different. Features of different parasites:
- Shielding Bedbugs, "stinkers", "Turtles"(living on plants, cereals - e.g., wheat) have a not very powerful mouth apparatus - the stabbing-sucking type. To get a portion of food, a substance is injected that promotes fermentation of tissues, plant sap, resulting in an easier feeding process.
- Water bugs. Many large pests of this species feed on small insects, carrion. To get a portion of food, an enzyme is injected into the victim's body, as a result, tissues soften and juices are sucked out. The oral apparatus is of the stabbing-sucking type.
- Ticks. Subcutaneous individuals use a gnawing mouthpiece. Their outer covers are more damaged than those of bedbugs. Ixodes ticks drink blood and have a stabbing-sucking mouthpiece.
- Fleas also suck blood to introduce the proboscis, they use a stabbing-sucking mouthpiece.
- Mosquitoes. They also have a stabbing-sucking mouth apparatus, but the proboscis is much longer.
Can bed bugs bite a person during the day?
Bed bugs (larvae, nymphs, adults) prefer to bite people at night. During this time, they feel relatively safe. During the day, it is also possible to get a bed bug in the couch. Factors contribute to this:
- prolonged absence of people, because of hunger insects emerge from shelters as soon as the occupants return home;
- increase in the number of parasites, lack of food in individuals;
- regular turning on the lights at night (for example, if the occupants are resting during the day and awake at night).
Can bed bugs bite through clothing
Blood-sucking parasites have a stabbing-sucking mouth apparatus. This means that it is not powerful enough to penetrate denser materials than biological tissues: leather goods, jeans, polyester, etc. Insects are not able to get a portion of food while on top of human clothes.
Also, on some of the materials the parasites may linger, will not be able to get out (for example, if the clothes are made of tufted fiber). Another reason explaining why bed bugs won't be able to make a skin puncture while on top of clothing: the woven material is constantly shifting, even when a person makes faint movements while sleeping.
If the clothes move, the parasite will move with it, and as a result its proboscis will not be held under the skin.
Video tip (photo + video): what bedbug bites look like, treatment of human bites
How to prevent bed mites
People should remember that the main cause of infestation of the apartment is the migration of parasites. It is necessary to block their access to the territory of your home. Bed bugs crawl over from the neighboring apartment using passageways:
- building facades (in summer);
- doors - at any time of the year;
- cracks in the floor, walls;
- communications, the favorite way is the ventilation duct.
All leaks are filled with special materials: cement mortar (on load-bearing structures), silicone and others. The choice is made taking into account the base material. But such measures will not prevent the infestation of the apartment if the insects are brought in with the things.
For this purpose, it is necessary to treat the apartment regularly, to apply means that will help to create unsuitable conditions for the parasites to live.
Combined long-term solution to the problem
Experts state that in the fight against parasites, the most effective method is the one that involves simultaneous or alternate use of different types of remedies, drugs and methods. The options under consideration are:
- chemicals - insecticides;
- folk remedies (domestic on a synthetic or natural basis, this group includes essential oils, pyrethrum, vinegar, etc.);
- physical methods - temperature effect.
The latter is effective if it is immediately influenced by a heat source that heats the air to +55°C. Then the bed bugs die faster. In winter, you can take things out into the frost (at -25°C). To repel them, smear walls, floors and furniture with vinegar or essential oil solutions.
They spread around the room herbs with a bitter or strong odor. And such actions are performed all the time with some intervals.
Preventing reinfection
To prevent bed bugs a second time, methods must be considered:
- Barrier protection - done with insecticides that are sprayed over different surfaces;
- folk methods (use any strong-smelling substances).
My personal story "How I got bit by bedbugs"
"I once had to deal with bedbugs at home. I believed to the last minute that it was mosquitoes biting me, I fought them with a fumigator. But every day the red spots on my body got bigger and bigger. And even then, I did not compare the facts, because bed bugs bite in the open areas of the body, and I sleep in a knee-length shirt without a blanket in the summer.
Marianne, 39
After that, I started reading information about insect bites. After that, I started reading information about insect bites. Then I was able to distinguish these spots from mosquito bites. Only trouble happened: by the time I figured out who was attacking me, my allergies had developed, my feet were swollen and itching unbearable. I went to the doctor, and he prescribed strong hormones and antihistamines. I rubbed the cream and my feet hurt. This nightmare lasted for 1.5 weeks, and I had to move in with a friend and invite exterminators to my house.
Expert tips
- Allergy to bedbug bites can even occur in people who are not prone to such a reaction, in which case the symptoms are mild and treatment is not required;
- If there is an apartment near where bed bugs can be found, it is better to invite professionals to disinfect the premises twice a year, and insecticides with prolonged action (at least 6 months) should be used;
- Bed bugs can bite all members of the family, but children have stronger reactions to these insects, so it is better to cover the crib with a canopy, set the bed legs in a container with liquid, such a measure will prevent the appearance of traces of parasites attack for the time of the fight;
- bed bugs often develop resistance to poisons, so you should alternate insecticides, and I also recommend treating different areas of the apartment with two kinds of poisons.
If bed bugs appear at home, you can detect them by a number of signs:
- Red spots appear on the body, along with intense itching and swelling. These symptoms are sometimes absent; it all depends on the sensitivity of the body.
- The main danger of contact with parasites is the development of allergies. In children, it is more severe, with hyperemic areas reaching up to 5 cm.
- Bed bugs cannot infect humans with dangerous microorganisms by biting. Still, you should not try to crush a fed bug with your hand if there are lesions on the skin.
- Bedwetting parasite bites go away on a person's body in 1-3 days (normal). With developing complications, symptoms usually disappear in 1 week.
- A combined method is used to protect against bed bugs. In this case, chemical insecticides and folk repellent are used.