The question is answered by the author of the portal: What are bed bugs, the principle of feeding. How ...
Bed bugs coexist with humans, but they are not as safe as other household insects. They are parasites, they feed on blood, which means they will constantly seek out prey. They need a portion of food to satiate, reproduce adults, and develop young specimens. Bed bugs only need to suck blood once every 3-7 days, but this does not mean that the insects will rarely bother a person.
On the contrary, with regular feeding, the number of individuals will increase, along with the need to saturate a large number of parasites.
Bites of house bugs on the body look different than the marks of other insects:
- form a track of several red spots;
- traces appear on areas that were not covered by clothing for sleeping at night;
- bumps form or swelling appears - it depends on the individual reaction;
- a puncture or dark red dot remains in the center.
Signs that are characteristic of other insect attacks also arise:
- The size of the spots is 5-50 mm, sometimes larger;
- bites itch;
- hyperemic areas have clearly delineated borders.
When the intensity of the negative manifestations increases, pain is also felt, which is possible against the background of swelling. Such reactions develop due to the introduction of a special substance into the tissues - a secretion that performs an analgesic function. In addition, during the bite, due to a special mechanism, the blood clotting rate is reduced. This allows the insects to suck blood.
Bedworms have a stabbing-sucking mouth apparatus. Its visible part is the proboscis, which is inserted under the skin. Nature provides two channels inside, one of which is used to receive food, the other is used to deliver the secretion to the puncture site. Thanks to anesthesia, a person does not feel the negative manifestations until the time. Itching occurs 15-20 minutes after the skin is punctured.
But this is not always the case, in some cases pain and other unpleasant symptoms occur immediately.
This is a sign of a bed bug larva attack. Young specimens have not yet developed a mechanism for the production and delivery of anesthetic/anticoagulant secretion. After the insertion of the trunk, discomfort occurs immediately, which allows the parasite to be detected. However, the attack occurs at night, which makes it difficult to catch.
The described symptoms do not appear in all victims of bed bugs, it all depends on the degree of sensitivity.
In addition, small and medium-diameter spots go away quickly - in a few days. But the situation changes when complications develop, among them are noted:
- inflammatory process on the background of secondary infection (when pathogenic microorganisms get on the damaged skin);
- severe swelling;
- Generalized allergy, with symptoms appearing all over the body;
- Respiratory system function is impaired due to swelling of the larynx.
Children suffer from couch bed bugs more often. This is due to an immune system that has not fully formed. The most mild form is large spots on the body, swelling in the bite sites. But other complications often develop. For this reason, the child's condition should be closely monitored.
Bed bugs can bite people even when insecticide treatments are carried out.
At the same time, the poison does not immediately affect the nervous system, which allows the pests to continue their habitual lifestyle at home or in the apartment for some time (1-2 days). So, it is necessary to leave the apartment, especially if the person is exposed to allergies. To stop the unpleasant symptoms, drugs are used:
- antihistamines - eliminate signs of allergy (systemic and local action);
- anti-inflammatory with antipruritic, local anesthetic, anti-edematous, and cooling properties - these products are primarily used in the form of a gel, ointment, or cream.
If the manifestations are mild, topical remedies are sufficient. The properties of the skin and the degree of skin damage must be taken into account. If symptoms persist, hormones (glucocorticosteroids) may be prescribed. They simultaneously eliminate the signs of allergy, inflammation.
Children and pregnant women should choose the drug with caution, because not all of them are acceptable to use because of the large number of restrictions and aggressive action.
To alleviate the condition will help folk remedies, they include:
- baking soda gruel;
- onions;
- garlic pulp;
- ice;
- lemon juice;
- decoction based on herbs with anti-inflammatory effect (calendula, chamomile).
Folk remedies should be applied if there are no more obvious injuries to the skin, because some of them can cause burning (e.g. onions, garlic, lemon). The purpose of application is to temporarily improve the condition of the victim. The cause of the symptoms is not eliminated, and therefore the negative manifestations will occur again.
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