Сегодня, потеряв кустарники, я все прокручиваю эти события. Внезапно я их связала между собой. А что, если это клопы уничтожили малинник на участке, ведь они питались не только ягодами, но и соком листьев, насколько я могу судить. Тогда, выходит, я могла спасти растения, но зря боролась с грибком, бактериальной инфекцией по совету бывалых. Теперь я ищу подтверждения своим мыслям, чтобы в следующем году защитить кусты малины. Скажите, правда ли, что эти с виду безобидные насекомые могли уничтожить не один кустарник крепких растений. И как мне с ними бороться теперь. С уважением, Арина.
The author of the portal answers the question:
You will learn the specifics of controlling raspberry bugs in the garden from my article below.
What a raspberry bug looks like
There are different individuals on berry bushes, the most common is found on berry bushes:
The first of them is larger - up to 16 mm, the body is green.
Such a bug on raspberries is completely invisible as long as it is on the green part of the plant.
The insect has a broad, angular dorsum, which resembles a scutellum, aided by the presence of a roll on the pronotum. There are 3 pairs of limbs and 1 pair of antennae. The bug fliesThe elytra are rigid, covering the abdomen, and the wings are transparent. The elytra are rigid, covering the abdomen, and the wings are transparent. The head is small and the mouthparts look fragile, but they are strong enough to pierce the soft tissues of plants and fruits.
Green woody pest looks similar, except for the parameters:
- The body is smaller, up to 12 mm in length;
- color brown with punctuation on the sides.
Otherwise, these pests are similar: they have the same number of tendrils, limbs, have the ability to fly.
If you're wondering what raspberry looks like bedbugIt is necessary to consider the appearance of other scutes on berries as well. For example, raspberries can also be parasitized by harmful turtle. This is also a bug, but it represents a different family. In addition, it is not considered a true raspberry, because the berries of this species are not the main source of food for the pests. They are called raspberry because they are found on the shrub. Also, the forest bug is found on berries (stinker). It is distinguished by its medium size, brown coloration, and flat body.
Close-up photo of a bedbug
Where did the insects come from in the garden
To understand the cause of these pests, you need to learn more about the peculiarities of their life activity. The raspberry bug lives for quite a long time - up to 24 months (which depends on environmental conditions). This means that the insects must survive the winter, for which they seek shelter. The most suitable places for this are:
- crevices of old stumps;
- foliage substrate;
- compost residues.
Insects move through the air. They start migrating after hibernation, in the first months of spring.
The pests come out of diapause when the temperature settles (+12°C).
This allows them to exist comfortably in their natural environment. But hunger and the need to reproduce push the insects in search of food. Females lay eggs when they get enough nutrients from plants.
What harm does it do
Shieldworms are not dangerous to humans. They have a weak mouthpiece, so bed bugs cannot pierce the skin. In addition, these insects have completely different food preferences. They feed only on plants, sucking the sap.
If the insect gets near or on a person's body, there will be an unpleasant smell.
This is the main harm that shields cause people. The cause of the odor is the secretion of a special odorous secretion.
Is there a danger of bedbugs on raspberries
Insects injure plant tissues. They insert their proboscis mouthparts to get a portion of the sap. As long as the insects are few, they may not be noticed. The harm to plants is as follows pests They cause minimal damage: they leave odorous marks on berries, it is unpleasant to eat raspberries that taste like bed bugs, and berries partially shrink - in places where the insects made punctures with their proboscis.
However, if the infestation is severe, the quality of the crop deteriorates. The berries are spoiled more severely, and the odor becomes more perceptible. In addition, shieldworms can suck sap from leaves, leaving dark dots and spots behind them. With heavy infestation, plants stop yielding and die. The danger is that Insects secrete an odorous secret, which makes birds not interested in such specimens.
As a result, no one prevents the insects from multiplying, increasing the number of the colony.
When there is nothing to eat on the property, pests fly to other territories.
Raspberries smell and taste like bedbugs, what does that mean
When bedbugs sit on the plant, berries, then secrete a special secret, its function:
- engages partners to mating;
- repels natural enemies (birds, insects-predators).
Accordingly, unpleasant signs of the presence of insects may remain on different berries. However, not all crops are spoiled in this way.
Most berries do not have an unpleasant taste if you apply a remedy in time bedbugsYou can save the whole crop.
How to get rid of the smell
Different ways are considered, the choice is made taking into account where the crawl bedbug: on berries or clothing. In the first case, it will be difficult to completely remove the odor, because it appears when a special secretion is secreted. The substance penetrates the tissues of the raspberries one tried to eat bedbug. So the unpleasant taste is likely to remain. But you can try to remove it at least partially.
To do this, raspberries are thoroughly washed with water, you can also soak it for a while.
If a bed bug has landed on your clothes, there is a high probability that a specific smell will appear. To remove it in this case is easier: things are washed with detergents, you can also soak them for a few hours with vinegar (removes various odors) or laundry conditioner (masks any fragrance).
Raspberry bug for alcoholism. Recipes
When a person cannot and does not want to cope with an addiction himself, it is possible to help him get rid of this urge to self-destruction. Different recipes are used, one of them is based on bedbugs. If you give a person suffering from alcoholism a remedy that smells unpleasant, perhaps the strength of the addiction will weaken. Recipes:
- Take 5-7 bedbugs, 500 ml of alcohol (it is better to choose the one used by the addicted person). The tincture is prepared for several days. Then it is strained and given to the person suffering from drunkenness. The smelly remedy should discourage the desire to drink alcohol.
- The mushroom dung beetle. It contains a substance tetraethylthiuramid disulfide, whose function is to oxidize alcohol in the body. You can buy a ready-made remedy in the form of powder or capsules. Dry loose substance is also prepared at home: use the caps of the mushroom, roasted, when the liquid evaporates, crushed.
- Red pepper: 1 tbsp. powder, 500 ml of 60%-alcohol. No more than 3 drops of the remedy are added to a glass of alcoholic beverage each time.
All such drugs have side effects: tachycardia, respiratory problems, etc.
For this reason, it is important to weigh the possible risks before using them.
How long to infuse vodka
The duration of the bedbug tincture is 1-2 weeks.
The longer the product will stand, the more pronounced its properties become: the smell and taste, it can prevent a person suffering from alcoholism to consume it.
As an alternative, consider other recipes, such as a remedy based on thyme:
- Take 400 ml of water, 15 g of dry raw materials;
- The herb is placed in an enamel bowl, thyme should be languished in a water bath for 15 minutes;
- The remedy is filtered, brought with hot water to the original volume.
Measures to Combat
The raspberry bug is afraid of strong odors, toxic substances. However, the difficulty in controlling it is that it is not always possible to find the offspring, and most of the eggs. funds does not work.
This means repeating the treatment when larvae appear.
They must be used at certain times: before the start of the bedbug breeding period (in spring) and a few weeks before the harvest, and better before the start of flowering, because. chemicals are mostly phytotoxic and harmful to bees. Examples of such remedies: Actellic, Actara, Carbofos.
If for various reasons it is unacceptable to use chemicals, consider less aggressive means.
Biological preparations
They are used in different periods: during flowering, fruiting. Such drugs refer to microbiological agents.
They contain various types of pathogenic particles that harm bed bugs and other insects, but are not dangerous to plants.
Examples of these funds:
- Boverin;
- Bitoxybacillin.
Folk remedies
You can treat the area with non-aggressive substances. Bedbugs don't like funds:
- Mustard powder: prepare an aqueous solution in a ratio of 10:1, do not use more concentrated means, as there is a risk of burns on the leaves;
- Onion husks: a bucket is filled with husks, pour to the top with water, the remedy insists no more than 5 days, it should be kept in a dark room, then the liquid is strained, diluted with water (1:4).
To prevent bed bugs from appearing on the plot in the spring, control measures are taken:
- bed bugs are repelled in different ways: place cotton disks soaked in kerosene next to each other, in the spring plant a clopogon (a plant that exudes a fragrance unpleasant to pests);
- leaves, plant debris after pruning, weeds - all removed immediately, because bed bugs are hiding here;
- in the spring (in March), and before the onset of winter (in October-November), dig up the garden.
People reviews
Expert tips
- Biopreparations do not work immediately - you have to wait several days, but chemicals kill the insects within hours;
- You can combine different methods of control: folk, chemical, biological, but not all at once, they are used alternately, otherwise they can lose their properties.
The raspberry bug is a common name for pests that love such berries. They can be pest turtles, berry or tree specimens, and wood pests (stinkers). It is necessary to see a photo, this will help to distinguish the pests from each other. You need to learn how to act for the best results during the extermination of insects:
- Parasites wake up in the spring in leaf litter or fly in from other areas. It is necessary to repel them with strong smelling substances, herbs, and regular removal of plant debris.
- The pests feed on the juice of raspberries, leaving a special secret on the berries, which spoils the smell and taste. At the same time, the insects do not have a powerful proboscis, which means they do not bite and are not dangerous for humans.
- Effective remedies: preparations based on insecticides, improvised remedies, biopreparations containing microorganisms that destroy insects. You can start treating with the least toxic ones. These include folk and biological remedies; if they work poorly, chemicals are used.