I will also say that I have seen a couple of bugs that look like parasites. Many times started looking for the place where they live, but so far no results. All this has been going on for a month. I don't know what can be done to find them. We tried spraying Dichlorfos, but it didn't help. I think we need to not just treat the house, but physically destroy at least some of the insects. Please help an expert, tell me about the nest of bed bugs: what it looks like, how to find in the apartment. Thank you in advance.
The author of the portal answers the question:
In my material below, you will learn how to find a bedbug nest in your apartment and what to do about it afterwards.
Why it is important to determine where bed bugs are nesting
These parasites are not carriers of dangerous diseases (although they may contain pathogens, but not in their saliva, but in the digestive tract). However, bed bugs should still be feared. They bite. While adults inject a substance that resembles an anesthetic, young pests cause severe pain when they attack humans.
Contact with parasites (their saliva, feces) provokes the development of allergies.
People with hypersensitivity can develop angioedema if there are many bites on the body. For children, pests are also dangerous - inflammation can develop in the skin puncture points. Another reason why you need to quickly get rid of insects is the unpleasant smell of the house. Furniture deteriorates, because traces of life activity bedbugs is difficult to remove.
What does a bedbug nest look like photo description
Given that the parasites crawl out mostly at night (as long as they have enough food), they settle in during the day where there is no sunlight. Bed bugs live in fairly narrow slots, flattened places. Here remain traces of their life activity - black spots. If there are many parasites, then the excrement stains large areas of coverage, as it merges together. As a result, such an accumulation looks like a large dark mint.
Nest bedbugs contains other signs of insect habitat - the "husk" or chitinous sheath, which young individuals lose during molting.
Habitat sites gather individuals of different ages: from larvae to adults of insects.
This is also where eggs bedbugs. These are small formations 1 mm long. Empty shells from them are also found.
10 ways to detect blood-sucking insects
You can search for bed bugs in the apartment by the external signs of their presence, as well as by using different methods and improvised means. The most effective ones are:
- people's sleeping places - this is where insects settle down;
- source of light at night is a lantern, but you have to wait for the insects to appear;
- sticky substances, stripes on surfaces;
- magnifying glass;
- orientation to the external signs of bed bugs;
- The rubbish of incomprehensible origin in the apartment: white and brown husks;
- bites on the body;
- red dots on the bed;
- traps with liquids;
- Sudden turning on of lights at night.
How to find bed bugs in the apartment by yourself in other places
The main way is to inspect the dwelling. It is not even always necessary to look for insects in hidden places. If pests When there are many, the shells (chitinous shell), excrement will remain in other areas (outside the nests), for example, near furniture, as well as inside cabinets, along baseboards. When there are few bed bugs, such traces can be found only in hidden areas - inside the bed, sofa, where the occupants usually sleep.
You can detect parasites by smell.
It usually appears as the number of insect colonies increases. It is especially strong in small rooms that are densely packed with furniture. Here, it is more difficult to find bed bugs because there are many hidden areas. However, when you enter a room, you can smell old cognac (it is not without reason that they say this liquor smells like bed bugs - the aromas are similar).
Looking for bed bug nests
Half of the success in finding these insects is knowing where they live. In addition, the conditions under which bedfellows parasites are the best to develop, multiply.
Food availability
Apartment bedbugs They settle down where they can find a source of food. For them it is a human being (his blood). Animals become food for pests only if there is no alternative.
Nests of bed bugs can always be found in upholstered furniture (mostly - inside the couch), beds.
Insects are awake at night and therefore look for food at this time. In addition, humans are active during the day and it is impossible to attack them before they go to sleep. Insects live where there is food, but even when the source of food disappears, bedbugs do not die, but go into diapause (similar to anabiosis).
Hidden from view
Sofa parasites They cannot tolerate sunlight, so they look for places where the rays do not fall. The most common places are items of upholstered furniture, where they are more likely to attack humans. As the colony increases, the pests inhabit other places as well: cabinets, carpet, drapes, rosettes, pictures, books, wallpaper (where the seams do not fit tightly to the wall), household appliances, even children's toys (in rare cases), areas under the baseboard. Far from the person bedding bedbugs will not inhabit. For example, in the attic, the ceiling they will meet.
A comfortable room temperature for bed bugs is +20° ... 25° C. Humans live under the same conditions. A cold snap causes a slowdown in the development of individuals. However, they do not die yet. Death occurs if the temperature drops below -10° C, which is impossible to realize in domestic conditions. A warmer microclimate (up to 30°C and higher) accelerates development of insects, but they die when the temperature rises to +45°C.
Folk remedies for detecting house bugs
To avoid wasting time looking for vermin, you need to understand how to find a bedbug nest in your apartment. Insects have 2 purposes: they go to the source of food and return to the place of habitation. On the way they can be detected by special means.
Insects don't move too fast (1 m in 60 seconds), but it's still a challenge to track them at night. You can leave traps by placing strips of duct tape in the path of the bed bugs (sticky side up) or sticking double-sided tape where the coating allows it (easy to clean). You may find bed bugs the next morning. Leave duct tape near the bed on the floor, along baseboards, and inside the couch.
Bug will not appear if lights are left on at night. It is recommended to start hunting for vermin in complete darkness. Monitor surfaces with a hand flashlight.
Magnifying glass
Sockets bedbugs not always recognizable if one has not had such experience. In addition, insect eggs are small, and juveniles can be confused with cockroach larvae.
When choosing how to locate a bedbug nest, you can take a magnifying glass.
With its help it is easy to distinguish insects of different species, to consider the structure of the body of the parasites found, to understand what kind of rubbish is always caught in the eyes of the house.
Where do bed bugs come from
Look for traces of life in areas where it is more likely that these pests. They come crawling in purposefully or get home by accident.
Bad Neighborhood
Insects in apartment buildings most often come from nearby apartments. If bedbugs If the pests have been infested by neighbors, and they could not be removed in time, the colony will gradually grow so large that there will not be enough food for the parasites. Then the pests will move on. They also spread during weeding.
Worn out furniture
When buying an old sofa, armchair, bed, there is a high probability that insects are hiding inside the hidden elements of the structure. It is not always possible to detect them in the external inspection of the furniture. Look for black spots, husks (brown, white).
Occasional nests bedbugs in the apartment begin to form because of pets. Pets like to crawl into hidden places, running around neighbors in private yards, so they can also bring home pests (usually bedbug eggs, which linger in the hair of pets).
A gift from a trip
In cheap hotels, restrooms at train stations, trains can also be parasites. If you do not notice the signs of their presence (and from fatigue it may well happen), the parasites will be near a person at night, will get into the suitcase. But the likelihood of this happening is small. Bed bugs are not cockroaches, they won't look for food everywhere, they only rush to a person. So getting into a suitcase could be accidental.
Home Appliances
Inside old appliances (microwave, refrigerator, stove) are also found nests. But here it is necessary to look for parasites only if the technique is not used, and a sleeping place is arranged near in the kitchen. In the room, too bedbugs can get into a non-working printer or the system unit of a computer next to the bed.
The Old Library
Any nooks and crannies of the house are a great option for nesting insects. They can even inhabit books, especially if they have been idle for a long time.
When buying vintage books that have not been cared for, there is a risk of getting vermin in the set.
They hide behind the stubs.
Oddly enough, people sometimes spread pests, too. Insects could get inside the object of the bag. As a result, a person will bring parasites on themselves without knowing it. So, you should carefully choose the guests you plan to invite to your home.
How to destroy a nest
If you have found the pests' habitat, there is a temptation to literally trample it (destroy it mechanically), because it is not a pleasant sight. But you must refrain from rash actions if possible - the body of hungry insects is flat, the chitinous covers are tough, it's not easy to crush them with a slipper. It is better to destroy bed bugs' nests in the apartment with chemical preparations, some of which are presented below.
Title | Active ingredients | Mechanism of action |
Hector | Silica | The powder destroys pests through the exterior and is safe for humans. |
Fufanon | Malathion | Concentrated emulsion is used to prepare a solution, it is used to treat surfaces, death of parasites comes from paralysis. |
Get | Chlorpyrifos | The insecticide affects the nervous system of pests, the substance penetrates into the body through the outer covers. |
Combat | Tetramethrin, phenothrin | The drug contains different types of insecticides, which prevents the development of resistance to the poisons of parasites. |
Medilis Ciper | Cypermethrin | Preparation based on pyrethroid. It is used to prepare a solution using concentrated liquid and water. It is sprayed over the surfaces. |
Question and answer section
Если нужно избавиться от диванных насекомых следует правильно себя вести: использовать разнотипные средства, методы. Ошибки могут привести к повторному заражению квартиры или увеличению периода очищения жилья. Можно узнать у специалиста, как лучше вывести этих паразитов, зная особенности их жизнедеятельности. На вопросы отвечает энтомолог эксперт (опыт работы 24 года).
What do bed bug nests look like if we have ordered an extermination once? Could they look different?
How many nests do bed bugs have?
How do you lure bed bugs out of the nest?
Found a bedbug nest - what to do?
But first you have to destroy the insects. It is best and fastest to spray the nest with insecticide in the form of insecticides. But this method will only help if a suitable product is on hand. In other cases, you need to use improvised means (for example, vinegar). Such a method is suitable if it is not a pity to spoil the covering of upholstered furniture."
Video tip (video): if you found a nest of bed bugs, you need to get rid of it immediately, 10 ways to find and destroy
Preventing new bed bugs nests
Recommendations to help prevent insects at home:
- elimination of hiding places for parasites;
- minor cosmetic repairs in the rooms: filling cracks, installing fine mesh mesh on the ventilation hole;
- repair of window and door units;
- You should not store equipment that is not working at home;
- bedding is regularly inspected, looking for drops of blood, chitinous covering of pests;
- Use strong-smelling substances that repel parasites (vinegar, ammonia, essential oils);
- bed legs are placed in containers of water;
- it is recommended to sleep under a canopy if there is a risk of infecting the apartment.
My personal story "How I searched for bedbugs in my apartment"
"Let me tell you right away that I am a lover of antiques. Antiques, old appliances - I like them all very much. This is the backstory, and now I'll get to the point: I noticed that when I came home, there was a strange smell. At first I thought it was spoiled food, rinsed everything out, couldn't find the source. Later I remembered that mosquitoes began to bite me more often, but are they mosquitoes? And then I began to suspect bad things.
Maria, 35
Bedbugs in my house are the worst thing I could think of, because there are so many places they can hide. But I decided to protect my stuff, it was more important to me than my own health. I went through everything, but could not find parasites. Then I taped over the main places where they can be. But how surprised I was when in the morning I found insects on the tape near the socket above the bed.
If there are bites on the body, an unpleasant smell at home, you need to check the furniture, there is a chance that blood-sucking insects. Features of their nests:
- Bed bugs accumulation: adults and juveniles are nearby, there are also dark dots of excrement, eggs, shells of larvae of brown color. Look for the insects by the signs of living: the smell, traces of life.
- Conduct an exterior inspection of the room. If the house is warm, there are people (food for the pests), and places to hide, there is a good chance that bed bugs and not other parasites are attacking.
- To find pests, use scotch tape, flashlight, magnifying glass. Look for them inside furniture (especially upholstered furniture, where people sleep), in cracks, appliances, books, behind wallpaper.