Я стараюсь храбриться, показывать, что они нестрашные, ничем не опасны для людей, но пока мало получается. Этим летом на речке мы почти не были из-за страха встретиться с водомерками в воде. Если приезжаем, то сидим на берегу. В результате получается очень скучный отдых, настроение портится. Иногда доходит до скандала. Я бы хотела получить информацию «из первых рук» – от специалиста. Скажите, причиняют ли какой-то вред такие насекомые? А может это разновидность паука? И подскажите способ, как отпугнуть их. Заранее спасибо, Лилия.
The author of the portal answers the question:
Now about your second question: are waterflies insects or not? Yes, they are indeed insects, they do not belong to the class of spiders, this idea is usually suggested by the long thin legs. It is not difficult to scare away waterflies: it's enough to slightly stir the water. As long as you actively swim, these insects will not get in your field of vision.
In my material below, you will learn all about the life and reproduction of these wonderful pond insects.
Species taxonomy and description
Waterflies are invisible on water, they do not sink, they have all possibilities for fast movement. Sensory and visual organs help to navigate in the surrounding space, paws do not sink, which is explained by their structure. This insect can be found both in natural and artificial reservoirs.
Unit | Semi-hardwings |
Suborder | Bedbugs |
Infra Detachment | Watermen |
Superfamily | Garroidea |
Family | Watermen |
Population and status of the species
Waterfowl are not destroyed on purpose, as they cannot cause significant harm. In addition, the individuals are rather quickly reproduceThis has allowed this group to be assigned the status of "not endangered. This made it possible to assign this group of insects the status of "not causing concern". Accordingly, there are no negative factors affecting waterfowl.
Appearance of waterfowl. Distinctive features of the structure
Such individuals have a number of traits that all bed bugs have in common:
- 1 pair of antennae - are sensitive, thanks to them the water vole is a great navigator, finds food and brethren in the environment;
- 3 pairs of limbs, and they are very thin and quite long, the last 2 pairs differ in substantial size;
The front legs are short - they help the insect to develop considerable speed
- There are organs of vision, but this does not reduce the importance of the function of the antennae, which act as organs of smell and touch;
- mouth apparatus is not too powerful, but still it helps to get food (stabbing-sucking type), and the proboscis is long enough.
An insect running on water
Signs that allow you to distinguish the water vole from other species bedbugs:
- on the limbs a lot of hairs of small length, with a cursory examination they are invisible, it seems that the feet are smooth, but with a closer look you can see the hairy surface of the limbs, this feature allows insects to stay on the surface of the body of water;
- There are wings, the front pair is leathery, rigid, and the rear pair is transparent;
- body size varies: from 5 to 30 mm, which depends on the type of insect-tongue;
- looks inconspicuous, because the color of the body is often brown, dark green;
- The body shape is oval, the body is narrow, thanks to its small size, the insect stays on the water surface for a long time without drowning.
If you don't know what it is bedbugIt is possible to mistake a water snake for a spider. The resemblance would be striking if it were not for one difference - the water spider has only 4 limbs (the front pair of legs is designed to fix the victim and increase the speed of movement).
Photo gallery: waterflies in their natural habitat
Peculiarities and habitat of waterflies
These insects can be found literally everywhere. Some species live even in Siberia, and low temperatures are suitable for them. Representatives of these groups live in cold springs, feel very cheerful, and they do not seek new places for life. Waterflies can be found in water bodies of different species:
- seas;
- rivers;
- keys;
- lakes;
- swamps;
- pools
- puddles.
Those that live on the surface breathe air constantly, it enters the body through the respiratory system (stigmas on the abdomen, mid-belly and hind-belly). For example, sea insects need to swim to the surface to get a portion of air. The peculiarities of life activity are determined by the species of waterfowl. For example, there are individuals who live mainly near the shore, they do not run away. Others, on the contrary, can move significant distances.
Waterflies are insects that prefer company. They spend time on the surface of the water surface necessarily together with their relatives.
There are up to 6 individuals in the vicinity at a time. Such representatives of the animal world (according to the systematics belong to the animal kingdom) survive the winter. But at the same time they are not active, but go into diapause phase. Waterflies do not remain on the water surface, they also do not go down to the bottom. Where do these individuals spend the winter period? They go to dry land, and there they live under moss, stones, between tree roots, which allows them to hide from the cold and wind. And these individuals do not go far away. They choose shelters for wintering on the coastal strip.
Виды водомерок в нашей стране
One of the most common is ponding.
Клоп водомерка из данной группы особей выделяется на фоне остальных собратьев черными полосами на бедрах. У них средние конечности более длинные, нежели первые и последние. Встречается в природе, но только не везде. Область обитания: восточная часть нашей страны, а также в Сибирь, Азия, Африка. У насекомых коричневый окрас наружных покровов. Конечности покрыты волосками, благодаря этому поверхность воды стала для тонконожек таким же покрытием, как земля – для сухопутных клопов.
The body of individuals is up to 15 mm, more rarely up to 17 mm. The shape is elongated and oval. There are wings, which thin-footed waterflies use to escape from danger. In addition, long legs help waterflies jump. And they do it unexpectedly, a person may be frightened by such actions floating on the surface of the "sliver". There are large eyes on the head, but the insect is guided also by sensitive antennae. Such specimens return from wintering in early spring, and at the first slightly more significant drop in temperature than usual in summer, waterflies fly away.
They are set up to overwinter in sheltered places, such as barns.
Representatives of this group are somewhat superior to the previously considered species, with a body length of 17 mm. The shade of the outer covers is lighter - the body seems to be red. At the same time, it is also covered with micro hairs. This peculiarity distinguishes all waterflies that live on the water surface. It is the hairs on the underside of the body that contribute to the change in the appearance of the insect. It seems as if the water beetle is silver in color.
The ability to be held without the risk of being submerged in water is provided by the wax components on the limbs.
When the insect begins to move, gliding is seen, creating the effect of moving on ice on skates or measuring the extent of a body of water with special tools, which contributed to the appearance of this name. When a water vole escapes from danger (underwater pests), it can make jumps. Similarly, it behaves when there is an obstacle on the water: a snag, a stick or a leaf.
What distinguishes representatives of this species is their ability to reproduce throughout the summer.
Часто встречается в природе, но в определенной местности. Такому виду свойственно обитание в восточной части нашей страны. Водомерка отличается средними размерами, тело небольшое – до 11,5 мм. Цвет наружных покровов достаточно темный – в коричневой гамме. По остальным признакам особи не выделяются на фоне представителей прочих разновидностей. У bedbug paws on the water move at ease.
It is distinguished by large visual organs, long antennae.
Это представители особой группы – семейства Veliidae (водомерки). Такие особи часто обнаруживаются в северных регионах нашей страны. Они облюбовали бурные ручьи и ключи. Сила течения не мешает особям существовать в таких водоемах. Отчасти это обусловлено высокой скоростью передвижения. Окрас тела – черный, но сверху можно увидеть коричневый оттенок, а также специфический узор. Средне- и заднеспинка сегментированы. Типы конечностей у такого клопа отличаются: короткие и большей толщины.
Interestingly, representatives of this species were previously terrestrial, but now they have adapted to life on water. Such individuals barely reach 9 mm, and some species are much smaller - 2 mm. There are 670 varieties of waterfowl Velia. These species have one peculiarity - the absence of wings in many insects. Only rare species can boast the ability to fly. These individuals are often called water crickets. They have a heavier (broader) body. The proboscis is polylobed, long, but in a quiet state it is almost not visible - it is pressed to the chest.
The body of the insect has many short hairs. They are so densely arranged that they do not allow water to penetrate.
In addition, the hairs are covered with a waxy substance, due to which a silvery hue appears (refracted light, reflected from the water, falls on the outer covers of waterfowl). Such individuals prefer to go on land before the onset of cold weather. They seek areas covered with moss and get under rocks. The main peculiarity of representatives of the Velia family is an unpleasant smell, which they emit (just like individuals living on land) if they feel threatened.
Because of this, natural enemies (mostly fish) do not consume such bed bugs as food.
These are larger individuals. The maximum body length is 22 mm. There are about 120 varieties of these species, but only 2 species have been found in Europe so far. Such insects live not only in water, but also on land, and can climb on floating leaves. They prefer to choose plant substrate as a wintering shelter. Such individuals lived many millions of years before our era. Their remains are found in fossils left over from those times.
Such individuals lived many millions of years before our era. Their remains are found in the fossils left from those times. One of the species of this group is the Common Waterfowl. Its body is narrow and long (13 mm), the coloration is dark gray, almost black. The limbs of these bugs are even thinner than those of other species, they only touch water at the end. The insects literally walk on the surface of the water surface. Their thin long antennae resemble four pairs of legs. These specimens have no wings.
Interestingly, rod-shaped waterflies are destroyed by representatives of other species of this group of insects, as well as by spiders.
Life cycle, reproduction of waterflies
The way eggs are laid depends on the type of bedbug. Most of the larger specimens leave eggs on plants growing in water. There are many of them, but all the rounded formations are connected to each other by the mucous secretions of the female. In comparison, small insects make small clutches - they leave one egg each. Moreover, they do not cover their offspring with mucus.
In total, there are up to 50 eggs. They are small, not exceeding 1 mm. The formations are white in color. The insects do not choose special places for mating. Reproduction takes place directly in the water. Moreover, male waterflies are more attentive to their partners and offspring.
They show care - provide protection from crawling on the part of other males.
The hue of the outer covers is yellowish. The insects, while still very small, are very different from the sexually mature sloths:
- the body is no larger than 1-1.5 mm;
- the limbs are not thin enough and not as long;
- abdomen is shorter, swollen.
Young individuals develop in an average of 2-4 weeks. Their formation rate is influenced by environmental conditions. In hotter climates, insects go through all phases of maturation faster.
The lifespan of adult bed bugs is 1 year (average). But often the period of existence is prolonged if the water-borne insect enters an area with a cooler climate. When the larvae become adults, they acquire the ability to reproduce. They begin to lay eggs on plants growing in rivers and lakes.
Dangers and benefits for humans
The water-borne insect can damage the integrity of insect coatings and even fish fry. Despite the fact that it has a stabbing-sucking type of mouthpiece, such a bedbug is capable of biting humans. But it will not, in the full sense of the word, severely damage the epidermis. Bedbug bite in this case is a simple puncture. But at the moment of insertion of the proboscis there can be unpleasant sensations.
The bite itself poses no threat to humans. Even the risk of allergy is low.
Serious Implications do not manifest themselves. Bedbugs bite for self-protection - if they feel threatened. They do a lot of good - they clean the pond from dead insects and also help control the number of gadflies.
What waterflies eat
The water snake has a long, quite powerful, yet thin proboscis. It can bend when there is no need for food.
Many other insects serve as food sources. Bed bugs eat mosquitoes, flies, gadflies, and others that have flown too low or fallen into the water. If the question of what a water louse eats is being studied, we can't forget about underwater dwellers. Such bed bugs also find fish fry and jellyfish to feed on. The diet of sea, river and marsh slender-legged individuals is somewhat different.
Bite of the water meter insect is lethal to smaller creatures. This is due to the fact that bed bugs of this species have external digestion. They first inject a special secret into their prey, which helps change the structure of tissues, they turn into a liquid substance. Water bedbugs sucking out this nourishing sap.
The insect of this species also eats the eggs of other pests, such as mosquitoes, which also helps humans.
Waterfowl hunting: video
Question and answer section
To understand, harmful ли водомерка и как избежать встречи с ней, т. к. она может кусаться, нужно изучить особенности образа жизни такого насекомого. Если дополнительно возникают вопросы, их можно задать специалисту на сайте. Всю информацию предоставит энтомолог, опыт работы – 24 года.
Is it necessary to fight waterflies?
Do water bugs fly and do they have wings?
Interesting facts about the life of water beetles
The body of the insects is small, and their long limbs make them large. Other features:
- The water beetle moves fast, which makes it a good hunter, but pests still have to compete for the right to get the best share of food; the most agile one gets it - the one who manages to grab the victim and run away with it to a secluded place, the other brawlers can still attack each other for some time, as they do not notice the loss;
- The bugs of this group always move in a southerly direction; there is no exact data explaining this behavior; it is assumed that they are oriented by the sun;
- The water beetle can feed on living and dead insects.
Importance in the cycle of nature
Tontine bugs are an integral element of the natural cycle. They participate in the food chain of fish (they are food for some of them), they themselves are hunters of harmful insects, as a result the number of such individuals decreases. They live in different water bodies and wherever they appear (in a pool, river, sea, etc.), the water becomes clean.
Bed bugs remove dead individuals, can get rid of live ones as well.
Natural enemies of waterfowl
All sources of danger of these bugs are in their habitat - water. Here, fish and frogs of various species prey on these insects with pleasure. Every body of water has at least 1 natural enemy insects, if not more.
Another dangerous pest is the water mite. Thin-legged mites are often attacked by its offspring as well.
Aquamerican parasites
Such insects are also bitten by smaller individuals, the pests Gerris rufoscutellatus. They attack thin-legged beetles and drink their blood. Some of the parasites are so small that from the outside they can be mistaken for red dots (we are talking about Limnochares parasites).
Watermark Protection
Отмечают лишь 1 разновидность насекомых этой группы – сфагнового клопа. Он обитает в загрязненных водоемах, что и способствует снижению численности колонии. Кроме того, количество болот тоже уменьшается, привычные условия жизни насекомых исчезают. Причем, у сфагнового клопа и без того узкий ареал обитания. Он встречается лишь в некоторых странах. В отдельных регионах нашей страны насекомое этого вида уже занесено в Красную книгу.
People reviews
Opinion of an expert
- Insects are interesting because of their active stance: they win back food for themselves, quickly evade natural enemies, can fly, and quickly jump over obstacles;
- on water bodies, bed bugs are taken in spring from the shoreline - they settle nearby, looking for shelter in the form of moss, roots growing on the surface, but it is difficult to detect them because of their dark, inconspicuous coloration.
Water bugs are a family that unites a large number of bedbug species. All have similar features, their own characteristics. To understand whether you should be afraid of such insects, whether they bite, you need to know more about them:
- Body length varies depending on the species, ranging from 5-35 mm. Most individuals have long and thin limbs. But there are also individuals with short legs. Moreover, the legs of one individual may be of different lengths.
- The coloration is inconspicuous (brown, dark green, black), which makes it impossible to see the insects on the ground. You can see how such specimens look on the photo. On the river/lake they are noticeable due to their legs, around which small depressions are created (surface tension effect, not allowing the limbs to go under the water), you can notice frequent movements, thanks to which the insect resembles a skier.
- Destroy The bug should not be used, it brings a lot of benefits: it reduces the population of pests, cleans up the water body. Other pests may parasitize on such individuals, they also perform their task - reduce the number of watermeasures.